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Vintage appMaker의 Tech Blog

Android 앱 중에는 가로스크롤 후, 좌측 끝부분을 특정 위치로 재조정하는 것들이 있다. 종종 구현해야 할 필요가 있어 구글링을 해보니 다음링크가 교과서처럼 사용되고 있었다. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26370289/snappy-scrolling-in-recyclerview/33774983 Snappy scrolling in RecyclerView I am trying to use the new RecyclerView class for a scenario where I want the component to snap to a specific element when scrolling (The old Android Gallery comes to mind as an ..

원본링크 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30085063/take-a-screenshot-of-recyclerview-in-full-length Take a screenshot of RecyclerView in FULL length I want to get a "full page" screenshot of the activity. The view contains a RecyclerView with many items. I can take a screenshot of the current view with this function: public Bitmap getScreenBi... stackoverflow.com import android.graphics.Bitmap im..

github api를 이용하여 AndroidX의 Databinding의 사용법을 보여주는 예제 https://github.com/VintageAppMaker/GithubSearcher VintageAppMaker/GithubSearcher github api . Contribute to VintageAppMaker/GithubSearcher development by creating an account on GitHub. github.com github api Databinding viewModel retrofit2 RecyclerView(MultiViewHolder) 를 간략하게 사용한 예제 ) retrofit 설정 retfrofit2 설정방법 정리 app의 build.gradle에서 dependenc..